Counselling Service

This service is designed for couples having unborn cleft lip and palate babies, as well as the parents and patients of different ages who need surgeries and treatments.


Couples Having Unborn Affected Babies

With the advance technology nowadays, it can confirm if a pregnant woman is having a cleft lip and palate baby during antenatal check-up around 20 weeks pregnancy.  When the couples learn that their baby is affected with clefts, they may instantly feel very anxious and worried.  They may want to call at our centre as soon as possible so that they can get more information about the congenital deformity, care-taking & treatment services.


Parents & Patients Of Different Ages

The treatment of cleft lip and palate is a bit complicated which involves several specialties and there are two phases of treatment.  Besides, there are a few public hospitals in Hong Kong providing cleft treatment with two different patient pathways.  Moreover, as the patients grow up, the parents may have a lot of questions about secondary cleft problems and treatments.  They need to get information and assistance.


In case of queries and difficulties, we are readily to give our advice and assistance.  You can call us at 2794 1915 to make appointment or click here to send a message directly.


Parents may also visit Facebook ‘兔唇寶寶家長平台 Platform for Parents with Cleft Lip & Palate Babies’ to see the most updated caretaking information:




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